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Endometrial Ablation Specialist

Martin, Lee & Page OBGYN

OBGYNs located in Memphis, TN

Does heavy or unusual bleeding make you dread getting your period every month? Heavy menstrual bleeding that compromises your quality of life can be controlled or eliminated with endometrial ablation at Martin, Lee & Page OBGYN. If you live in the Memphis, Tennessee, area and want to learn more about how endometrial ablation can make your menstrual cycle bearable again, call today or book a consultation online.

Endometrial Ablation Q & A

What is endometrial ablation?

Endometrial ablation is a nonsurgical procedure that destroys your endometrium — the lining of your uterus.

During your monthly cycle, the endometrium thickens in preparation for an embryo; if you don’t become pregnant, the endometrium sheds the excess blood and tissue through your vagina. After endometrial ablation, your uterine lining is thinner or absent, which leads to lighter periods or no periods at all.

The specialists at Martin, Lee & Page OBGYN recommend endometrial ablation for women whose heavy bleeding has not responded to other therapies and who no longer wish to become pregnant.

How is endometrial ablation performed?

Most endometrial ablations are performed as outpatient procedures using only local anesthesia. An endometrial ablation is generally a simple process that takes about 10 minutes or less.

Your doctor typically uses one of the following techniques:


Your doctor uses a cold-tipped probe to freeze and destroy the uterine lining while monitoring the procedure via ultrasound.

Hydrothermal ablation

Your doctor pumps heated saline fluid into your uterus and allows it to circulate for approximately 10 minutes. Hydrothermal ablation is especially appropriate if you have an irregularly shaped uterus, fibroids, or other lesions.

Hot balloon therapy

Your doctor inserts a balloon device into your uterus, then inflates it with hot liquid. The heated balloon expands and destroys the uterine lining.

Microwave ablation

A slender wand that conducts microwave energy heats up and destroys the endometrial tissue.

Radiofrequency ablation

Your doctor inserts a flexible mesh instrument into your uterus. The instrument expands and transmits radiofrequency energy to the uterine lining, which vaporizes the tissue in just a couple of minutes.

Less frequently, your doctor may elect to remove the endometrium with electrical energy. This is a more complicated procedure that must be performed in the hospital under general anesthesia.

After your endometrial ablation, you may have some cramping and vaginal discharge. You may also need to urinate more frequently during the first day after the procedure. You should be fully recovered within a week.

Is endometrial ablation right for me?

Endometrial ablation is not appropriate if you’re pregnant or hoping to become pregnant, or if you have:

  • Uterine cancer
  • High risk for uterine cancer
  • Abnormalities of the uterus
  • Pelvic infection

A consultation with your caring specialist at Martin, Lee & Page OBGYN will help determine if you are a candidate for endometrial ablation. Call or book an appointment online.